Wednesday 29 February 2012

Is it Time to Upgrade Your Production Line?

Editorial: Supplier Magazine - March 2012

Leno Andaloro, Oceanic Sales Director of Biesse Group, explains the importance of a well-designed factory layout and gives some advice on planning the changes that will maximise the efficiency of your production process.
Whether an organisation has been operating for 100 years or is only just finding its feet, it is important that a sound production plan is established and maintained in order to improve process flow, adhere to OH&S standards, utilize time, space and human resources, minimise stress, satisfy staff requirements and optimise equipment usage.
“When ideas begin to flow it can be too easy to rush into making rash decisions that may end up wasting time, money and upsetting staff for no logical reason.” says Andaloro.  “Strategic planning and consultation should be done carefully and completely before changes begin to roll out.”
He explains that a common mistake that business owners make when setting up their factory for production is that they try to plan everything on their own.  “Thinking that your opinion and your ideas are the only ones that matter is sure to set you up for problems. It’s crucial to involve staff from all levels in the organisation when planning, brain storming and problem solving. By doing this you ensure that you see all points of view, and more importantly, because they are involved, it’s easier to gain their support for the changes.”
Andaloro explains that it is imperative that an organisation has defined goals, objectives and standards that remain the focus throughout the planning process. “Over time, analyse the current flow of production and identify areas that are detrimental to achieving the company goals. All staff should understand what the common goal is in their working environment.”
“Occupational Health and Safety should be the number one priority in a work place at all times.” he stresses. “Make sure safety measures are carefully considered when purchasing and positioning equipment. Appropriate space should be allocated for safety equipment and first aid stations. Emergency exits should be clear at all times and signage and safety training shouldn’t be neglected.”
Another common mistake is that owners don’t put in enough effort when it comes to design and maintenance of the factory floor. “I like the saying ‘dress for the job you want, not the job you’ve got’ and it can be applied to the presentation of your factory as well. The look and design of a factory can be a powerful sales tool. A well-presented and functional factory may even help you land that dream contract you’ve been fighting for.”
Andaloro recommends seeking advice and help to ensure that all possible options are considered and the plan is executed smoothly. “It can be daunting just thinking about moving or re-evaluating a factory layout. So make sure you consult someone who can provide valuable information, tips and ideas that come from experience.”
The Biesse Sales team now provide obligation-free consultations and can assist you with planning your factory layout. Contact your nearest branch for more information on 1300 BIESSE or email

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